EXPLOSIVE DETECTION & IDENTIFICATIONEffectively detecting well-known and improvised explosive compounds
- Field test kit with immediate results
- For use indoors or outdoors in any weather condition
- Fast and easy to use (no special training required)
- Wipe the suspected surface, spray with the related aerosol or use the Dropex dropper
- Instant color reactions indicates the type of explosive
- Sensitive, detects as little as 20 nanograms of explosives
Immediate Results – Accurate – Sensitive – Inexpensive – Safe – Easy to Use
Drop-EX detects the widest possible range of explosive types, due to its ability to detect the additional explosive categories for improvised explosives: Chlorate and Peroxide-based explosives. Peroxide-based explosives are powerful explosive substances that can be prepared from several over the counter materials. This well-known explosive type is currently in use by terrorist groups. This explosive material is usually known by its abbreviation TATP (Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide).
Drop-EX Plus uses the same reagents as Expray but in dropper bottles, for ease of use during field and laboratory investigation.
The detection range of the kits:
For Group A (Nitroaromatics) – this type of explosives includes TNT, Tetryl, TNB. DNT, pictric acid and its salts.
For group B (Nitrate esters and nitramines) this type of explosives includes Dynamite, Nitroglycerine, RDX, C4, PETN, Semtex H, Nitrocellulose and Smokeless Powder. NOTE: Most plastic types of explosives belong to this group.
For Inorganic Nitrates: The Nitrates based explosives include ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate-Fuel Oil), commercial and improvised explosives based on Inorganic Nitrates, Black Powder, Gun Powder, Potassium Nitrate, and Ammonium Nitrate.
For thr detection or urea Nitrate.
For Chlorates and Bromates. This type of explosives includes potassium chlorate and sodium chlorate.
For Peroxide-based explosive compounds, includes TATP (Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide) and HMTD.
For the detection of perchlorate salts